Rules of Ping Pong
Rules of Ping Pong
In a ping pong game the first player to reach 21 points is declared the winner. However, upon one player reaching 21 points with the opponent trailing less than 2 points, the game must continue until one player takes a definite 2 point lead over the opponent, at which point that player is declared the winner.
To start a point the server serves the ball with the paddle to the opponent's side of the ping pong table. If the server fails to serve the ball into play, either by serving the ball into the net or serving it out, the point goes to the opponent. Once the ball is in play either player can score points. The players must hit the ball back to the opponents' side of the table. If one player fails to return the ball to the opponent's side either by netting the ball or hitting it out, the point then goes to the opponent.
To start a point with a serve, the server throws the ping pong ball up at least 6 inches and as it comes down the server hits the ball with the paddle. Before crossing over the net the served ball must hit the server's part of the table first before bouncing a second time on the opponent's side. After the serve the ball remains in play as long as it clears the net and bounces once on the opponent's side of the table with each stroke. The point ends either when a player hits the ball into the net, or when the ball goes out without bouncing at all on the opponent's side of the table, at which time the opponent earns a point.